
Add Big Belly Trash Cans to North Beach

Danny Sauter 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 3

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Big Belly Trash Cans are smart trash cans. They are solar powered, can send signals for when they need to be emptied, and they have separate compartments for trash and recycling. The designs can be customized to fit into the neighborhood or to allow for custom wraps for community messages.

The City of Philadelphia uses Big Belly and estimates it saves them $1 million each year, in addition to making the city cleaner and more efficient.

There are currently a few Big Belly trash cans being tested along the Embarcadero. If this goes well, I'd love to see some in North Beach next!

These type of solar environmentally friendly garbage cans would be great. Next time the Participatory Budget opens up for District 3, we should put in a proposal and get it passed.

Coco - Great to learn about the Participatory Budget, I was not familiar with it. Do you/anyone know when it comes to District 3? Very exciting.

Just heard back from San Francisco Department of Public Works. There are no plans yet for North Beach, but they are considering a trial soon with these on Market Street.

So, between Market Street and the Embarcadero, there is some movement city-wide on this at least!