Study tips

VivianManning 7 years ago 0

better lighting along Columbus Ave

sagit19 8 years ago 0

Most Popular Ideas 8


Add Big Belly Trash Cans to North Beach

Danny Sauter 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 3

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Big Belly Trash Cans are smart trash cans. They are solar powered, can send signals for when they need to be emptied, and they have separate compartments for trash and recycling. The designs can be customized to fit into the neighborhood or to allow for custom wraps for community messages.

The City of Philadelphia uses Big Belly and estimates it saves them $1 million each year, in addition to making the city cleaner and more efficient.

There are currently a few Big Belly trash cans being tested along the Embarcadero. If this goes well, I'd love to see some in North Beach next!


Adopt-A-Street Program

!!Coco2014 8 years ago 0

This is a really cool idea for North Beach. The neighborhood should Adopt-A-Street The Program is a partnership between the City and its merchants and residents. Groups or individuals agree to adopt an area and take responsibility for keeping the street, sidewalk, and storm drain clean. DPW provides free street cleaning supplies, and litter and compostable leaf bag pickup. For more information, see click here.


Add more bike share stations to North Beach

Anonymous 8 years ago 0

It looks like the Bike Share network is expanding. Link here.

We should get some more stations in North Beach! We only have one near Cafe Trieste right now. With so many tourists in the area, I'm sure it would be a hit.


Add A True Sidewalk Along Sansome Street Between Union and Green St

Danny Sauter 8 years ago 0

On the right hand side (when walking south) of Sansome, there is not a true sidewalk.

Cars are given a wide lane to park in, but pedestrians are pushed to the side of the road between concrete bumpers and a hill. This presents an uncomfortable and dangerous situation for pedestrians.

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Joe DiMaggio Playground Basketball Courts

Anonymous 8 years ago 0

I LOVE the renovated Joe DiMaggio Playground and courts. It adds such a homey feel to North Beach. As a 28 year old, being able to go play basketball after work with random people in the neighborhood has been awesome. The only downside is that there is only 1 full basketball court. For some reason, they ended up placing a random hoop about 100 feet away when there was clearly an intention of putting 2 full court basketball courts next to each other.

Now we have 3 game wait times (which is about 45 minutes to an hour because there is only 1 court to play on.

Can we have another basketball hoop added so more people can enjoy a little competition and fun playing basketball?


better lighting along Columbus Ave

sagit19 8 years ago 0

Columbus Ave between Filbert and Chestnut seems a bit darker to me compared to the other side of Union St. Just because there are not as many caffes or restaurants should not be the factor. Brighten up Columbus Ave please.


Provide signage along Columbus Avenue, Broadway and Union Street to direct shoppers to Grant Avenue.

Trish Herman 8 years ago 0

Currently, people do not know that Grant Avenue exists. We need signage along Columbus Avenue, Union Street and Broadway to direct shoppers to Grant Avenue . There are wonderful boutiques that people do not know exist.


Study tips

VivianManning 7 years ago 0

I want to start working on finding some essaypro review. as i am in a mood to get my writing skills be polished and one day i can write professionally.

Ideas for North Beach seeks to be a platform that enables easy, universal community input and collaboration.

My hope is that Ideas for North Beach can be a home for ambitious ideas that improve our city’s finest neighborhood. Very short term matters - for example, reporting graffiti or a light that’s out - should be reported to SF 311. Let’s challenge ourselves to consider matters which improve our neighborhood for all and make it one that continues to thrive.

Topics which are overly negative, contain false information, or bring malice to individuals, will be promptly moderated and/or removed. There’s just no place for this in a true community.

Thank you for visiting and reading - I’m incredibly excited and humbled to have your support in building a platform that enables everyone to have a voice and highlight our neighborhood when it’s at it’s best.

-Danny Sauter
